Our clinic offers personalised rehabilitation services aimed at assisting patients regain their strength, mobility, and confidence following injury, surgery, or chronic illness. Pro Physiology’s rehabilitation sessions are 1-1 and give patients up to 60 minutes with our physiotherapists to focus solely on exercise and rehabilitation, which is longer than most clinics. Each rehabilitation plan is meticulously designed to meet the patient's specific recovery goals, factoring in their current health status and desired outcomes.
Whether it's learning to walk again after a fracture regaining balance after a hip replacement or improving your chemotherapy related fatigue, our dedicated team works tirelessly to help patients re-acquire the skills necessary for daily living. Our rehabilitation services provide not just physical healing, but also emotional support and encouragement, fostering resilience and motivation during the recovery journey. At Pro Physiology, every rehabilitation session is a step closer towards re-integrating patients into their normal lives, with as much independence and functionality as possible.